Sporting Artist
Teresa enjoys painting commissions so if you would like to commission a painting don't hesitate to get in touch. Most Sporting and Wildlife subjects are considered including pet portaits. Why not have an oil painting of your favourite gun dog in a scene with your own gun and the day's bag? Or a beautiful Pastel portrait of your horse.
The commissioning process
Please give Teresa a call to discuss the commission, but here are a few things to give you an idea of what is involved when commissioning a painting. Oil paintings take a long time to complete so please allow at least 6 months for an small to medium sized painting. Pastel paintings can be produced more quick as there is no drying time between each layer. Teresa does however have a waiting list so the sooner you get in touch the better especially if you have specific date in mind e.g a birthday /Christmas present. If the commission is a surprise present then the greatest of care is taken to keep the secret.
Photo Visits
Teresa always prefers to take her own photos . It's well worth getting Teresa to visit with her camera as not only can she take as many photos as she need but also she can get first hand the photos she needs. Also it allows her to meet her subject, which is invaluable helping Teresa capture there character.
It is a great help if Teresa can visit when doing a large commission which involves several elements e.g a gun dog with gun and game. This is because the angle at which the photos are taken must be kept constant and so must the light also Teresa may need to compose the items into a pleasing arrangement for the painting. Therfore it is much easier if Teresa takes her own photos.
When Teresa Visits please make sure dog / horse etc is clean and suitably pampered ready for thier photo shoot and you have a area outside where the animal can be photographed such as a garden drive or paddock.
If you live within a 50 mile radius of Teresas home near Bridgwater, Somerset then the visit is free. Otherwise £0.40p per mile is charged after the first 50 miles. If after the photography visit the commission is cancelled then a one off fee of £120 is charged to cover Teresa,s time. There is obviously no charge if the commission goes ahead
After the visit Teresa will send you a selection of the best photos to choose from which she will also discuss with you. Also you get to keep all of the photos after your commission is complete.
Taking your own photo
Now there are some budding photographers out there so if you would like to take your own photos here are some tip's.
Make sure your camera is set to the highest resolution. Make sure the subject is clean and dry there is no point taking a photo if your dog is wet and covered in mud unless it is relevant to the painting . e.g a scene where the dog is working.
Make sure the animal is alert, a favourite toy or food is always a great way of doing this. Teresa can paint out collars so it is fine if you need ot get a friend to hold the dog still providing the dog looks natural and is not straining trying to get away.
Most importantly make sure you take the photograph from the dogs eye level this will mean croching down to take the photo or elevating the dog.
The subject needs to be close up, it must fill the photo frame to provid Teresa with the detail she needs. If it is a full whole body prortait then make sure you photograph them on a hard surface e.g a road or path so that thier feet are clearly visable, Its no good if thier feet are buried in grass. Also a close up of thier head would be helpful preferable in the same pose.
Make sure the sun is behind you but also that your dog is not squinting.
The more photos you send the better, Most of you will have a digital camera so keep pressing that button!
There are some examples of the type of photo reference Teresa needs on this page.
Commissioned by The Mendip Framers Fox hounds. All proceeds of the print sales were donated to the hunt and the original painting was raffled off. A large sum of money was raised some of which bought a new hunt horse.
Commissioned by Richard Standing former Huntsman of the Mendip Fox Hounds. His Favorite Hounds